
Buy This Bacon Board Game

It’s Amazon Prime Day and while many respectable adult humans are probably buying electronics or subscription services that can facilitate their home lives, I’m sitting here eyeing this very relevant (to me), very real bacon board game: Bacon-Opoly! Disclaimer 1: Monopoly will forever be one of my favorite board games. There’s no greater feeling than…

Body By Bacon is the New Dad Bod

In reality, if Body By Bacon was a real thing, it would probably be very similar to Dad Bod…except without all those screaming toddlers who just won’t Go the Fuck to Sleep. I found this shirt on Instagram and immediately got hungry. After I was done gawking at scrumptious #bacon for about an hour, I…

onion rings

Make These Now: Bacon-Wrapped Sriracha Onion Rings

Onion…good. Sriracha…goooood. Bacon…well, duh. My good pal Erica posted this on my Facebook wall and said it was basically made for me. Um…yes, that is accurate. It is clearly a 9-1-1 NEED to know recipe here, you guys! So check this out, because this is what your weekend is going to look like: You’ll need:…

Praise the Pig! Welcome to The United Church of Bacon

Just a couple hours ago, my co-worker and pal Zoe sent me a press release she received via her work email. We work in the real estate industry, so we frequently write about celebrity homes, hence, her getting an email with the following story attached: “UNITED CHURCH OF BACON TO BUY MAGICIAN PENN JILLETTE’S FORMER…

Bacon pb balls

I Want You Inside Me: Deep Fried Bacon Wrapped Peanut Butter Balls

Bacon and peanut butter are a match made in delicious piglet heaven. This recipe from Dude Foods takes it one step further…and deep fries the two culinary BFFs into tiny morsels of mouthwatering goodness. You will definitely want these balls in your mouth (yep…I’m 12). What’s so refreshing about this website is that they spare…

Bacon Lube Redefines the Term ‘Bacon Lovers’

After discovering J&D’s bacon condoms, I really thought I had seen it all…that is, until I found this bacon-flavored lubricant over at Skulls & Bacon. Now, I’m left with feelings of wonder, curiosity, fear, unease…actually, yeah – I’m pretty creeped out by this. But my mind remains inquisitive. I have so many questions. The best…

THEY EXIST: Fried Bacon Wrapped Oreos

  If there’s ever a bizarre way to eat bacon, the Internet’s right on top of it. If foods such as Fried Twinkies and Fried Pickles and other Fried Anythings you find at random carnivals can exist, then surely the world has room for these Fried Bacon Wrapped Oreos. Because bacon. To be honest, bacon…

New Hampshire’s Bacon Scented Lottery Ticket

Looks like I’m moving to New Hampshire. The Internet is buzzing with news of the first-ever scratch and sniff I Heart Bacon lottery ticket that the Granite State released this month (Granite, wtf!?). Hungry, obsessive-compulsive gamblers could win up to a cool $1,000 dollar prize. Talk about bringing home the bacon (I hate myself)! In…