Ghoulies II and the Explosion of Small Creature Features

Ghoulies II

In the early ’80s, small creatures called Mogwais forever changed the horror comedy landscape. The year was 1984 and Joe Dante’s Gremlins (written by Chris Columbus) became a smash hit for Warner Bros., bringing in over $153 million in North America alone and securing its spot as the number four highest grossing film of the year. The movie was a genre bender, opting for black comedy that lightly dipped its toes into horror waters (despite the warning to NOT GET THEM WET!). These little guys were cute and cuddly (until you fed them after midnight), and were so immensely popular, they launched ginormous merchandising and marketing campaigns and spawned a cluster of knock-off movies all centered around small, weird, cutesy-gross little creatures. Ghoulies II was one of those movies. Read the rest of this post over at Daily Dead