Facebook is Satan’s Spoiler-Filled Playground


***This post contains spoilers for Season 4 of Orange is the New Black. Only read this if you’ve finished the season.***

See? Was that so hard? That, my gentle readers, is a spoiler warning. But you already knew that because you’re one of the good ones. The pop culture-devouring, internet-savvy elite. And you also know that spoilers are the work of Satan, himself.

This post is going to be a mixed bag, but let me start by saying that this season of Orange is the New Black might just be the best one since the first. Jenji Kohan and her team of writers absolutely crushed it. From the incarceration of the Paula-Deen-esque Judy King, to Suzanne’s soul-crushing flashback and spotlight on mental illness in the prison system (Lolly!), to rising racial tensions in Litchfield Penitentiarythis season had a lot to chew on. It struck multiple chords with social issues and the injustices that are happening right now all around us. With all of this seriousness infiltrating Orange, Kohan and Co. still bring the funny, perfecting the tricky Dramedy sundae with extra, extra cherries on top. It couldn’t possibly be more relevantand it’s never been better. Few shows can achieve that combo.

Admittedly, I was a bit behind on finishing up the season. I’ve been feeling lately that binge-watching really detracts from the viewing experience because it doesn’t give the viewer proper time to digest, consider, speculate. That’s a whole other post for the future, maybe. Truth be told, I didn’t get to finish Season 4 until about 6 or 7 weeks after its release. So, while perusing Facebook the day after the tragic shootings of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, most of my feed was (naturally) dominated by #BlackLivesMatter and news of the occurrences in St Paul and Baton Rouge the night prior. On one of the posts, a Facebook friend who shall remain nameless commented: “Poussey didn’t die for this.”

My face looked like:


…and I was all:


My mouth dropped open, hitting the keyboard that I was furiously typing my reply on. I grumbled swears. I GChatted a friend to commiserate. I immediately began to mourn.

But what a grotesque faus pax! In this neo-Netflix watch-at-your-own-pace world we live in, letting that huge of a spoiler fly without any warningand on a post that was completely off-topicwas a complete dick move. TV fans need to remain united, people! Let others have the same experience that you just enjoyed! It doesn’t matter if someone is “behind” or slower to watch, keep your Facebook comments on topic. If the post had been about OITNB, and my nosy self went snooping, that’s on me and I wouldn’t be writing this post.

When I called out said-friend-in-question, she said, “I just couldn’t suffer alone anymore!” which angered me even more. (Great, so ruin it for me. Thanks! Feel better now?) She later posted a status apologizing and tagging me, but the damage had been done. My sweet Poussey was gone and I didn’t know why. What I did know, however, was that the season was more or less ruined for me. After about a week of pouting, I finished Season 4…but I’ll never know what it would have been like to be surprised by that huge moment. I wanted to be caught off-guard. I wanted to be shocked. TV fans LIVE for moments like that!

Soooo yeah. That was a wash.

I implore you: Use spoiler warnings. Stay on topic. Think before you type (crazy, right!?). Just be cool, Sodapop. Or else you’re going to be the ultimate buzzkill for someone’s 13-hour time investment. And that’s not cool, guys.

Alas, we bid farewell to our beloved Poussey Washington, as she has a wild night in New York City, thinking about the future and preparing for the rest of her life. She breaks the fourth wall and smiles directly at us. Litchfield will miss you, P.

And so will we.


3 thoughts on “Facebook is Satan’s Spoiler-Filled Playground

  1. RIP, Poussey!

    For anyone jonesing for the next season of OITNB, I HIGHLY recommend Wentworth, an Australian drama about a women’s prison which streams on Netflix. It is much darker that Orange, but very good and highly addictive!

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