Geeking Out with Felicia Day

Though she may not be a household name yet, make no mistake: Felicia Day leads an army. They may not be that strong or confrontational, and their weapons perhaps work best in an MMORPG setting (for non-gamers, that’s a Massive Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game – keep up!), but they are loyal and mighty. Her number…

Make your Christmas 'Horrible'

…with the DVD of “Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog!” So not only is the DVD dirt cheap (a mere $9.99 at Amazon…pre-order it NOW!), but it includes COMMENTARY: THE MUSICAL! That’s right, kids! A commentary in music form! What is better than that? Nothing. Not even Santa. Unless Santa brings you THIS DVD.

Dr. Horrible brings his horribleness to Hulu

Now that I’ve finally watched all 3 parts of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog about 3 times each, I can finally promote it with concrete evidence of its awesomeness, instead of just saying, “Watch this because it’s Joss Whedon and shut the fuck up.” It’s on Hulu now, so you can stream it for free here…