TLW’s Best Albums of 2013: 11-20

There were so many assclowns in music this year that it was almost exhausting. Miley got naked and stuck her tongue out, Robin Thicke got his thunder stolen, and Kanye said…I don’t actually know what he said because I didn’t understand any of it. I presume some shitty Pop-Country crossover tunes were made and some…

Music Monday: The Virginmarys – ‘Portrait of Red’

Lately, I’ve been ODing on Indie Pop and Indie Electronic and Dub Step and other relatives in the Dance/Shit-we-need-Ecstacy family. But dammit, sometimes I just crave some loud, proud, ballsy rock, and every time I need a fix, England delivers me some new bitchin’ band that blows me away, while blowing my car speakers out…