Watching This Video Will Make Your Ears Bleed

After watching Rebecca Black’s video for “Friday,” in full, mind you, many questions arise. Like: How? And: WHY!?

Furthermore, does God hate us all? Is the world ending? Is this a bloody joke!?

If you can make it through all 3 minutes and 48 seconds, then you are rewarded with the solution to world hunger. OK, that is a bold-faced lie. But I do predict that you’ll feel a warming sensation overtake you…similar to watching The Room for the first time, or maybe even The Garbage Pail Kids Movie. It’s simply indescribable.

Watch this shitshow and holler at me with the first thing that comes to mind.



3 thoughts on “Watching This Video Will Make Your Ears Bleed

  1. Aww poor girl, she’s only 13! She just wants to be a singer! We shouldn’t blame her, we should blame the person who wrote the song. And possibly her parents.

  2. Pingback: » Conan’s Video Blog Parodies Rebecca Black. I Die Inside. The Littlest Winslow

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