Welcome back, welcome back, welcome baaaaack!

Entourage doesn’t totally suck anymore! Horrrraaaaay, Huzzahhhhh, and the like!

The new season of Entourage is flying high! Vinny Chase is back in action – Scorsese’s “Gatsy” is a hit, putting Chase back on the map and putting money back in his wallet. Ari is riding Lloyd’s ass more than ever, and Gary Cole is a semi-regular now who is ruining both Ari’s personal and professional life. Great success for Vinny and Co., and great story lines for Jeremy Piven, one of the main attractions of Entourage for me.

The last two seasons blew. Who wants to see Chase and the gang down in the dumps, poor, and struggling. Entourage is the best when we get to co-pilot that magic carpet ride with the gang, pretending if only for a short while that we’re behind the scenes with them enjoying that lavish Hollywood lifestyle.


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