That ‘Muppets Most Wanted’ Golden Globes Commercial

Clearly if you want a Golden Globes winners list, there are a bazillion websites you can check out. So instead, lets just bask in the glory that was the Muppets commercial for Muppets Most Wanted! What a neat little romp of fake tweets cleverly tied into the Globes. That’s some A+ marketing, man. Here’s what…

Support This! F*ck Fitness Tees Now Available

Last May, TLW chatted with Zoe Eisenberg, the writer of Courtesy Flush, a film funded through Kickstarter directed by Phillips Payson. Good news, indie film fans – the movie recently wrapped on The Big Island in Hawaii and is now being edited and prepped for film festivals! As you may know, story revolves around James and…


These ‘Empire Records’ Halloween Costumes are Amazing

Empire Records…Open til Midnight! Look at these Halloween costumes! Man, I have such adoring, empowering, bursting, swelling (and other adjectives, too!) respect for these two individuals. Fans of the 1995 Comedy surely know that my man on the left is Rory Cochrane’s aloof philosopher (HA!) Lucas and the lady on his right is Liv Tyler’s…