

Phantogram’s third album is out soon. It’s called Three. Which as it turns out isn’t just a clever name. The duo is coming off of last year’s quite stellar Big Grams EP with Outkast’s Big Boi. So yeah. Things are pretty OK for these guys. Lead single “You Don’t Get Me High Anymore” came out a while ago…

phones at concerts

Apple Wants You To Put Your Damn Phone Down At Concerts

Be prepared, fellow concert-goers: You may soon have to actually watch the shows you go see. Apple has received approval for a patent on technology that could disable your phone’s video and camera capabilities in certain settings: i.e., your next Beyoncé concert. How does it work? A tiny sensor is placed on or near the…

band of skulls

REVIEW: Band of Skulls – ‘By Default’

If you had to describe British rock trio Band of Skulls in one word, it would be “consistent.” The group’s fourth record By Default dropped recently, offering everything you’d want out of a Skulls album: vibrant, crushing guitars, vocals that alternate between harmonious and dueling, and a solid swagger that’s been building with every release.…