
Epic Film Quest: A Status Report (FML)

Previously on The Littlest Winslow…I set out to watch every single Best Picture winner in the history of the Academy Awards. I’ve been blogging about the experience. I have come to regret this life choice. It’s been a long time since I posted about my Epic Film Quest – my journey / pitiful attempt at watching all…

Stranger Things

Stranger Things: An Overdose of Nostalgia

Pop culture has an unquenchable thirst for nostalgia. Rebooted films dominate the big screen (It), throwback candy and juice are stocked on every store shelf (or forever sold out, like Ecto Cooler), and 80’s purists still abide by the “Be Kind, Rewind” mantra on Instagram. Nostalgia is not only omnipresent, but it’s dictating the way studios are producing content, which is why…


Facebook is Satan’s Spoiler-Filled Playground

***This post contains spoilers for Season 4 of Orange is the New Black. Only read this if you’ve finished the season.*** See? Was that so hard? That, my gentle readers, is a spoiler warning. But you already knew that because you’re one of the good ones. The pop culture-devouring, internet-savvy elite. And you also know…


Review: Michael Showalter’s ‘Hello, My Name Is Doris’

In Hello, My Name Is Doris, a woman in her 60s vies for the attention of her new and much younger co-worker, while trying to break out of a shell she’s spent decades hiding in. What sounds like safe rom-com terrain (and it is) turns into a heartwarming and empowering anti-ageist tale about reinventing yourself and trusting your gut. Doris (played with…


5 Reasons to Quit Hatin’ On ‘Ghostbusters’

Paul Feig ain’t afraid of no ghosts. He ain’t afraid of no trolls either. The Freaks and Geeks creator’s reboot of the seminal 1984 classic Ghostbusters hit theaters this weekend, and quite frankly, I enjoyed the hell out of it. If you aren’t aware of the backlash against it by now, Google “misogyny” and surely, pages and pages…


Bloodline: Burying Secrets That Won’t Stay Dead

[Spoiler free] Do we ever really reconcile our past? Those darkest parts of ourselves that we desperately try to keep hidden? That’s what Bloodline confronts its characters (and viewers) with. The Netflix original revolves around a close-knit family of four adult siblings whose secrets and scars are revealed when their black sheep brother, Danny (the incomparable Ben Mendelsohn), returns…

phones at concerts

Apple Wants You To Put Your Damn Phone Down At Concerts

Be prepared, fellow concert-goers: You may soon have to actually watch the shows you go see. Apple has received approval for a patent on technology that could disable your phone’s video and camera capabilities in certain settings: i.e., your next Beyoncé concert. How does it work? A tiny sensor is placed on or near the…