Dr. Horrible brings his horribleness to Hulu

Now that I’ve finally watched all 3 parts of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog about 3 times each, I can finally promote it with concrete evidence of its awesomeness, instead of just saying, “Watch this because it’s Joss Whedon and shut the fuck up.” It’s on Hulu now, so you can stream it for free here…

Remembering Harold & Kumar

As promised, here is my sloppy, half-untrue-because-I-was-really-messed-up review of Harold & Kumar: Escape From Guantanamo Bay. (Note to self: “Guantanamo” is probably spelled wrong. You should look it up.) (*Edit Note to self*: Not doing it. Way too lazy). It’s cliche, but “it was good, but not as good as the first!” Wink. Nod. Smile.…