First look: Scre4m teaser poster

Two years ago, the Weinsteins announced a reboot of the Scream franchise – a fourth movie that would possibly kick off a brand new trilogy. I, a diehard Scream fan was against it. Over the course of time, new light has been shed on the project, making me slighly more optimistic about the series’ future.…

The best purchase of my LIFE.

…or, yanno…this week. I got this puppy for 22.99! On Amazon. Click here and pick it up! In this sweet ass boxset you get: A Nightmare on Elm Street, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge, A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors, A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master, A…


Please God, don’t let it be true… Apparently, I was oblivious until someone at Vevmo started a thread about it, but the Weinsteins are gung-ho about re-booting the Scream franchise….except there’s no word on who will come back to the series. Can this be done without the creative genious duo of Wes Craven and Kevin…