The Real World Brooklyn comes to an close


I admit it: I still watch The Real World. And I like it too.

For all of those who outgrew the show, or got lost in the trashy mess that was Las Vegas, I assure you that you can’t pass judgment until seeing what Brooklyn brought to the table: level-headed young twenty-somethings with real issues, real lives, and real maturity.

Over the course of the season, we learned transgendered Katelynn Cusanelli’s story of her struggles growing up and transition into womanhood. We got to see Iraq war veteran Ryan Conklin discuss his experience overseas, and sadly get his redeployment papers. We saw Sarah Rice’s story about parental domestic abuse. Then there was Devyn, who carried herself with dignity and maturity way beyond her years, and that crazy character Chet, a Mormon virgin metrosexual. Need I say more?

This season offered so much that many of the later seasons never even came close to touching. Can Brooklyn be a stepping stone to a series reboot, where issues and personalities matter more than the boozing and sexing? (Uncertain, given that Cancun is Season 22’s destination). Can future seasons like Brooklyn stand as a better example for today’s MTV generation than fodder like Chicago and Vegas? Absolutely.

There once was a time where I almost counted the Reality TV Godfather out of the game. This is not that time. Clearly, The Real World is one to be judged on a season by season basis. As of now, I’m riding this train to Cancun and possibly never getting off.


The Real World has just been renewed for 4 more years, putting the show through its 26th season!

While I’m at it, here’s a trailer for the next Real World/Road Rules Challenge: The Duel 2, premiering next Wednesday at 10pm on MTV.

There is NO excuse for The Island. Hopefully this one is much, much better.