"Why being really lonely is sometimes super awesome."

How about THAT for a blog title? (Sadly, I think it even beats “The Littlest Winslow”). Zach Braff’s daydreaming, self-absorbed (but oh-so-lovable) J.D. has a blog, as I’ve recently found out in Episode 14 of Season 6 (“My Fishbowl”). And that title is simply remarkable.

Yes, it’s true. I’m late to the Scrubs bandwagon. Thanks to DVD (the format that has made me its bitch), I’m quickly catching up and highly enjoying the insanity of The Janitor (who’s name I read will be released before the show’s end), the never-ending rants of Dr. Cox (John C. McGinley, WOW), the insecurity of Dr. Elliot, and the sad-sack-i-ness of Ted, the hospital’s laywer.

As all shows do, they get dry by the end. Should Scrubs, currently in in 7th season, have ended earlier? Probably. Even by Season 6, the funny is simply going out the window and dying alongside some of Sacred Heart’s sickly residents. However, even a weak episode of Scrubs is still worth it for that one hysterical long-winded rant by Coxie, or just that one treacherous trick The Janitor plays on the day’s selected victim.

For the most part, I defend Scrubs amongst its many critics (Cara included), but I will be the first to admit that it’s no Arrested Development, How I Met Your Mother (totally a future blog), and definitely no Three’s Company (I’m a closet fan who has just left said closet! I FEEL SO FREEEE). However, let’s talk “My Musical,” shall we?

What a useless and unnecessary piece of shit.

Seriously. In what way did that progress the storyline? Carla didn’t know how to tell Turk she wanted to go back to work. Some patient thought everyone was singing. Elliot and J.D. said and did things that I’ve already forgotten about because I didn’t care enough and was just so thankful that it ended. At least in the Buffy musical, the songs and music severely affected the storyline! Characters were hurt, changed, tortured, and learned truths that they never would’ve had it not been for the music-inflicting demon that had struck Sunnydale. The musical not only mattered, but influenced the rest of the entire season! Seriously, creater-man Bill Lawrence. WHY!?!

Check the show sometime if you haven’t already, easily found on your DVR or Comedy Central and let Coxie and the gang entertain you for a bit. Because seriously, it’s better than Idol and there’s no other new non-reality show on TV anyways.

I’m too lazy to talk about this any further, and don’t really have a clever ending. I’m no Superman.
